Big Ben and the English Parliament (London)

Friday, February 28, 2014

VoIP Technology.

  • Listen HERE to an interview with Sue Reid, a specialist in telecommunications. Answer the following questions:
  1. What exactly is VoIP?
  2. Does the recipient need any special equipment?
  3. What is an ATA? What is its function?
  4. What is the advantage of Wi-Fi phones over mobile phones?
  5. Do you need a VoIP service provider?
  6. What is spit?


  1. It is right no individual voip provider has been able to provide the perfect solution for android. Now there are 40 companies that are collaborating with google for android. Let us see see how it plays with the already available internet phone service providers in the market.
    voip philippines

  2. Useful post over the Voice Over Internet Protocol and its usage.
