Big Ben and the English Parliament (London)

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


  • Connectors are linking words and phrases which join ideas and help us organize our writing.
  • They can be used for giving examples, listing or sequencing, giving reason, expressing contrast, etc.

  • Here you can see some examples:
 Optical discs can store data at much higher densities than magnetic disks. They are therefore ideal for multimedia applications. (result)
Furthermore, optical discs are not affected by magnetic fields. (addition)
However, they are very different in internal structure and data capacity. (contrast)
As a result, a CD can hold 650-700MB (result), whereas a basic DVD can hold 4.7GB. (contrast)
In addition, a DVD can be double-sided and dual layer. (addition)
  • There are many other examples of connectors: indicating addition (moreover, besides, and), used for making contrasts (although, but, on the other hand), explaining the results or the effects of something (so, thus, consequently, because)
  • If you need a more detailed explanation, you can click this LINK.

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