Big Ben and the English Parliament (London)

Thursday, April 12, 2018

How chocolate is made

Watch the video and write a paragraph (50 words) about the process of making chocolate.

Use passive structures. You can revise them and do some online exercises HERE.

Monday, April 9, 2018

Gerunds and Infinitives

Resultado de imagen de gerunds and infinitives

In English, if you want to follow a verb with another action, you must use a gerund or infinitive. For example:
  • We resumed talking. (gerund – verb + ing)
  • I want to see a movie. (infinitive – to + base verb)
There are certain verbs that can only be followed by one or the other, and these verbs must be memorized. Many of these verbs are listed HERE.
You can also practise by doing some ONLINE EXERCISES.